A growing number of homeowners have been deciding to get a swimming pool thanks to their now affordable pricing and relaxation they provide. A swimming pool is a great place where you can gather your nearest and dearest, especially in the summer when we spend a lot of our free time outdoors. It’s usually children that find them amusing the most, and today, there are so many types, shapes, and sizes, that everyone can find one they like. Although there are free-standing, prefabricated, and inflatable pools, we’ll discuss inground pools only. Their shape and size depend on the terrain, material, and structure. They’re usually made of concrete, and they can include either a skimmer or an overflow channel. In addition to concrete pools, there are also those made of styrofoam sheets, polyester (prefabricated pools), free-standing pools, and natural pools. Pools can be tiled with ceramic or glass tiles, or feature a PVC liner (a type of film). A pool filtration system can be mechanic, semi-automatic, or automatic. Pools can also include a swim jet, water heating device, UV sanitizer, massager, underwater lights, etc. Don’t forget that if your pool exceeds 12 sqm and is deeper than 1 m, you need a planning permission. Check out our calculator to get pool prices. We’ve also prepared a lot of tips, especially regarding additional features, e.g. pumps, covers, and cleaning and maintenance. Also, you can always send an enquiry to our top experts and they’ll be more than happy to reply.