Solar cells convert solar energy into electricity, without polluting the environment or emitting harmful gases. The system is very quiet and inconspicuous, and the use of photovoltaic devices will give you independence from the grid. Solar cells are grouped into panels, i.e. solar modules connected to a controller. The size of a module depends on the expected consumption. Solar panels should ideally be facing the south and tilted at a 35–40° angle. The place where you install them is also very important. Solar modules must be south-facing as much as possible, with a 10–40° tilt, depending on the amount of sunlight they receive. If you add solar batteries, the generated power can also be used at night or on a dull day. If your house is not connected to the grid, you’ll need a power generator. Use our calculator to find out prices of solar power plants, and we’ve also prepared numerous tips. Send an enquiry to our top experts to ask for any advice.