There’s no house without a foundation, but there’s more than one way to make one. There are pad and strip foundations, foundation slabs, and in special circumstances, if the terrain is unstable, foundations are driven deep through the ground, which is called piling. Pad foundations are done when there’s need to distribute point loads from the building. Strip foundations support linear structural elements, like walls. A foundation slab is nearly always used with large, challenging buildings. Smaller residential buildings have strip foundations, which is the most commonly used type, while lately, foundation slabs have become popular with prefabs, low-energy, and passive houses. A family house foundation slab is usually 30–40 cm thick. The advantages of a foundation slab include shallower excavation pits, smaller formwork, simple reinforcement, quicker construction, more even settlement, and good thermal protection of the building. To meet the desired energy standard, you have to install full thermal insulation. However, this can be achieved only if the thermal insulation layer is installed underneath the foundation, in which case, it’s best to install a foundation slab. Use our calculator to check foundation prices. Send us an enquiry, and our top experts will get back to you.