1. Here is all you need to know about solar inverters…
1.1 What are solar inverters
Solar inverters work with solar panels charged by the sun. And because most homes function with alternating current electricity, the electricity generated by solar panels is unusable. This is where solar inverters come in handy. They convert direct current electricity generated by solar panels into alternating current electricity – useable power.
Before you acquire a solar inverter, you will need to understand the different types of solar inverters as well as their advantages and disadvantages.
2.Types of solar inverter
2.1 String inverter
These are the most conventional and popular of the types of inverters. They consist of strings of solar panels which are installed in rows. The strings take the direct current electricity produced by the solar panels and transport it to a central inverter, where it is transformed into alternating power that can be consumed as electricity.
Advantages of string inverters
· They are reliable if they are not affected by shading.
· They are more affordable than other types of inverters.
· They are easily installed and accessible.
Disadvantages of string inverters
· They do not tolerate shades.
· Because panels are connected to a single inverter, if the functioning of a panel is disrupted, the overall string is affected.
· Since panels are not isolated, individual monitoring of panels becomes impossible.
2.2 Micro inverter
This is the most expensive of the types of inverters. However, because of its level of reliability which surpasses that of others, the cost may be more than worth it. Micro inverters are installed into individual solar panels to generate and convert power. With a micro inverter, you get to monitor panels independently because no central inverter is used, and each micro inverter handles direct current conversion on its own.
Advantages of micro inverters
- They are highly efficient and reliable.
- They allow for individual panel monitoring.
- Disruption of a panel by shades does not affect other panels.
- Damage or disruptions in panels can be easily traced.
Disadvantages of micro inverters
- They are expensive.
- They are difficult to install or repair because they are installed at the back of each individual solar panel.
2.3 Power optimisers
Power optimizers are like a mix of string inverters and micro inverters. Although they are installed at the back of each solar panel just like micro inverters, they do not generate direct current as well as alternating current directly as with micro inverters. Instead, they optimize direct current electricity and pass it to a string inverter which converts it to alternating current electricity.
Advantages of power optimizers
· Through optimizing the direct current produced by solar panels, they reduce the impact of shading on these individual panels.
· Shading of a panel does not affect the entire string.
· It is more cost effective than the micro inverter.
· It allows for individual monitoring of solar panels.
Disadvantages of power optimizers
· They are more expensive than string inverters.
· They are less efficient and reliable than micro inverters.
· They are more difficult to repair and install than string inverters.
Typically, the type of inverter you should go for depends on your budget, how many trees you have nearby, your roof size and so on. Do not shortchange yourself, however, by going for what is more affordable without considering other factors. For instance, although affordable, string inverters may not serve you if you have a lot of trees which can cause shading. So, try to obtain a considerable balance when deciding as to the type of solar inverter you would go for.
3. Here are some other things you need to look out for before acquiring a solar inverter.
3.1 Things to consider before buying a solar inverter
3.2 Temperature capacity
Inverters generate heat when they are in use. However, the intensity of heat differs from inverter to inverter. Overheating is harmful to inverters, and the higher the operating temperature of an inverter, the more heat it can withstand.
3.3 Warranty
Before shopping for a solar inverter, you want to know the warranty given as well as the terms and conditions that applies. This is for you to know the level of covering you have in case of any problem with the inverter.
3.4 Installation
It is important that you are connected to the right installer before getting a solar inverter. This is because with the right installer, you avoid any hitches or complications that can come with installation. We have installers at Daibau who will ensure a smooth installation for you.
3.5 Monitoring
Generally, if you want to have more control over monitoring the panels of your solar inverter, you should go for either a micro inverter or a power optimizer. This is because they allow for the monitoring of panels individually.
4. Take control of your power supply
Now that you know that you don’t have to indulge PHCN, take control of your power supply and get yourself an inverter. Whether it is a solar inverter or any other kind of inverter, at Daibau, we have professionals who can help you with your installation needs. Contact us today and take full control of your power supply!
Expert advice on solar inverter by Tech-Harena 1. Are there any life threatening situations when there is heavy rainfall and thunderstorm? I can tell you that solar panels are designed to withstand various weather conditions, including heavy rainfall and thunderstorms. However, it is always important to ensure that solar panels are installed properly (with protection devices) and maintained regularly to ensure their safety and efficiency. In the event of severe thunderstorm, it is recommended to install lighting arrestors, turn off the solar panel system and disconnect it from the grid to prevent any potential electrical hazards. It is also important to follow safety guidelines and instructions provided by the manufacturer and seek professional assistance if needed. 2. Do inverters require maintenance? The recommended maintenance practices for inverters include regular cleaning, inspection of electrical connections, and replacement of faulty components. In addition, it is important to ensure that the inverter is operating within its specified temperature range and that the cooling system is functioning properly. A maintenance plan that includes a checklist from reputable installers on all required maintenance tasks and their recommended intervals can help ensure the optimal performance of inverters. 3. What is the lifespan of an inverter? The lifespan of inverters can vary depending on the type and quality of the inverter, as well as how well it is maintained. 4. How many batteries/amp Do i need for a family house. As an energy expert, I believe that the battery capacity required to serve an average family in Nigeria would depend on their energy needs and usage patterns. However, the average electricity consumption per capita in Nigeria is around 150 kWh per year. Based on this estimate, a family of four would require a battery capacity of at least 600 Ah to meet their energy needs for a year. Its important to note that this is just an estimate and actual energy needs may vary depending on factors such as the size of the household, the type of appliances used, and the frequency of power outages in the area. 5. How much does a battery cost, and which product is best in the market? 200ah batteries ranges from NGN170,000 - NGN220,000 Tech Harena, Tech Harena. |